Welcome Back Message from the Co-Presidents

Welcome Back TriSighters!

Hello everyone and welcome, or welcome back, to another semester at USC! We, your TriSight Communications Co-Presidents, are excited to begin another semester with all of our wonderful members. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be welcoming a wave of new TriSighters and kicking off our account work. We’re also planning some great members-only events and other exclusive opportunities.

We thought that a good way to reactivate our blog would be to introduce our client roster for the semester. We’re beginning the term with five accounts, all of which are varied in kind and in what they require from our wonderful teams. Let’s get to know our clients!

Annenberg Media Center: Now a year old, the Annenberg Media Center is a state-of-the-art, one-of-a-kind focal point for ASCJ. Inside it’s doors, students of all Annenberg areas of study are able to work collaboratively to produce professional-caliber work. This account provides TriSighters with opportunities to work in branding. Since it has only been open a year, there will be many chances for members to work on awareness campaigns, events and social media strategy.

USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA): SCA is one the nation’s leading film schools. A great many spectacular cinematic talents have graduated from this school, and it is renowned for the quality of work it produces. Students who work on this account help to promote films made in the graduate studies program to prospective students, alums, festival programmers and trade media. Over the course the semester, TriSight members create press materials, pitch media, and reach out to the community on behalf of these spectacular student films.

Kid’s Ocean Day: This is an established, renowned non-profit. Its proprietor has worked for twenty years to educate primary school students about the importance of preserving and protecting the oceans. Affiliated with the Malibu Foundation for Environmental Education, Kid’s Ocean Day culminates in an eponymous event where hundreds of children are brought to the beach for a day of cleaning up the shore. TriSighters who work on this account get the opportunity to explore social media strategy and non-profit public relations.

Annenberg Digital Lounge: One of TriSight’s newest clients, the Annenberg Digital Lounge is a burgeoning space of creativity and technology on the third floor of the new Annenberg building. TriSight is excited to announce a new partnership with the Digital Lounge, where account members will have the opportunity to advance Annenberg’s digital literacy initiative by creating social media and marketing campaigns to grow awareness of the tools and technology assistance found in the Digital Lounge.

Viterbi School of Engineering: TriSight continues its strong relationship with USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering this fall. Members on this account will support the school’s marketing team to highlight the exciting research its students produce through written profiles and social media content. This type of work is frequently asked of entry-level PR professionals and thus provides TriSight members great portfolio material. 

The reason TriSight runs effectively is because our members work hard to ensure tasks are completed, deadlines are met and clients remain happy. So we’d like to thank you in advance for providing that same effort throughout the fall semester and into the future.

Now that you have a better idea of the organizations we’ll be servicing this semester, it’s time to get (or stay) involved! Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn and email (trisight.communications@gmail.com) to stay up-to-date with all things TriSight.


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