Telling Our Story: Getting To Know TriSight’s New Co-Presidents

Telling Our Story

Hello TriSight members! I’m Laura Davenport, one of your 2015 TriSight co-presidents. I’m thrilled and excited not only to be leading an incredible leadership team in our executive board, but also to getting to know all of you, and working with you on our many projects. I thought since nowadays public relations is all about story-telling, I’d tell you all a little of mine. It’ll help you get to know me a little better and understand why I am in PR and in TriSight.

I’m from a tiny, tiny town in upstate New York. It’s cold during the winter, and hot in the summer, and was a pretty perfect place to grow up. I lived there with my parents, a sister, and about one hundred and fifty dairy cows.

My life on the farm was actually where I became interested in public relations. Agricultural PR is a big enterprise. The main work of that particular sector is in communicating industry information to consumers. As it is in much of the public space, farmers are finding themselves in need of greater transparency and digital fluency.

I began my time as a spokesperson for the dairy industry. In high school and in college, and in several different positions, I spoke with communities, politicians, and others in order to advocate for local agriculture and the need to sustain small family farms like mine.

I majored in Film & Television Studies and English at the University of Vermont. I spent four years immersed in words and stories, the things I am most passionate about in the whole world. While there, I heard of this amazing program called the Master’s of Strategic Public Relations at the incredible Annenberg School. I thought, here is a program wherein I can do everything I love: communicate, write, and tell stories.

I visited here in March and had the good fortune of meeting the at-the-time co-president of TriSight, Sha-Lene Pung. She gave a talk to us prospective students about TriSight. As I sat there, I thought, if I come here, I’m joining that group.

Miracles and the good people at Annenberg admissions intervened, and here I am. I’m halfway through my first year in a two-year master’s program and loving every fast-paced, exciting minute.

I did, obviously, join TriSight. I spent my first semester here as an account manager for the School of Cinematic Arts account. It was an excellent opportunity to learn the ropes of this organization and I am so grateful for all of the amazing members with whom I got the opportunity to work with.

And here we are! I’ve recently taken over as one of TriSight’s co-presidents and I beyond ecstatic to work with an amazing new executive board and group of members.

If you’re new to TriSight, or are considering joining, I urge you to take advantage. It gives you a chance to learn the real work of PR in a safe, collaborative setting. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you! If you have any questions about our organization, please contact us at .

- Laura

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about public relations, it’s that the best PR strategies are founded on processes. Paramount to these processes is an understanding of a brand’s identity. Before settling on the PR industry as a potential profession, I needed a better understanding of my own brand identity.

“How can I parlay my love of sports into an academic field that would set me up to actually enjoy what I do for a living?” I asked myself throughout high school.

First, I tried my hand at sports medicine. Then, I transitioned to journalism, which served as my major during my years at Indiana University as an undergraduate. The journalist lifestyle wasn’t for me, however, and the industry search continued. I joined IU’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) as a sophomore, and that’s when a light turned on.

I started to grasp the countless ways public relations strategies can impact individuals and brands, including the sports brands I am passionate about. I finally had an understanding of how to combine my zeal for sports with a career path that suits my skill set and interests.

That has led me to USC, where I am fortunate to have the opportunity to further my education and gain valuable work experience at USC Athletics. Oh, I also joined this incredible organization called TriSight.

TriSight has reaffirmed my interest in the PR profession by allowing me to take risks and test strategies in a safe, hands-on environment. Last semester, I worked on the AISMS account, where I produced content for the organization’s social media platforms.

As co-president, I’m looking forward to leading the next wave of driven undergrads and graduate students who have found PR to fit into their own brand identity, just as I did a few years ago.

I’m also excited to work with the incredibly diverse (both culturally and intellectually) 2015 Executive Board.

Regardless of your experience in the PR industry, there is a role for you here at TriSight. I invite you to reach out to me or any other TriSight member to guide you to an account that fits you best.

- Laura copy

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