How To Network Online With Twitter



Written by Melissa Ariganello

Networking isn’t only useful in the offline world. With so many social media networks available to us, we now can network online. In fact, if you really think about how we spend our time online, we’re either doing two things: publishing or networking. Social media requires us to be social, and thus we’re networking with others all the time. But are we effectively networking with each other? Probably not. That’s why it’s important to know exactly how to use the tools that are available to us and use them to our advantage.

With so many social networks available, I figure Twitter is a good place to start, specifically when it comes to networking. If you currently don’t have Twitter, go and open an account right now. As PR students and young professionals, you should definitely have a Twitter account!

Here’s how you can effectively use Twitter for networking:

  1. Follow Experts In The Field

The best way to get started is to follow people you know, and those you wish to know. Twitter makes it easy to “follow” experts within your chosen industry in a less creepy sort of way. You’ll be able to gain insight, see which articles they’re fond of, and hopefully make a connection online and in person.

  1. Comment On Articles or Tweets

While you may believe most tweets are random or involve what one is having for breakfast, truth be told, Twitter is a great space for sharing articles. If you have a blog, even better – share your written content and comment on others to make an initial connection. You never know where the conversation could lead. One moment you’re making a comment about a social media campaign, the next you’re sitting with someone you met on Twitter for an interview. This could actually happen!

  1. Participate In Twitter Chats

I love Twitter chats. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why I like Twitter so much. As a blogger, Twitter chats have helped me promote my blog/content and make connections with other bloggers. You can use Twitter chats to build your personal brand. Want to stand out in the PR world? Participate in Twitter chats and connect with other influential people working in the PR industry. For PR related chats, check out #PRprochat, #brandchat and #smchat

Hope these tips have helped! If you’re new to networking on Twitter, feel free to reach out to me to strike up a conversation –  @melrosaa

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