Author Archives: TriSight

Apply Today to Join TriSight’s E-Board!!!

It’s finally that time again! Starting today, E-board applications for the next school year are being accepted.  All applications must be received by Friday, Oct. 31, 2014.  Submit your resume and a short cover letter to to apply for a position.  If you’re curious about applying but not sure just what is involved with each position, make sure to read this explanation of the TriSight E-board Roles.  Each role has the current president or vice president’s information listed, so feel free to contact whomever holds the role you’re curious about!

For more information, please email

Good luck to all who apply!





Want to Practice PR? Then Brand Yourself!!!

By: Jiangwen (Maggie) Hui

At nearly every self-introduction session for a new class, teachers asks students to talk about what kind of PR they would like to practice in the future. Answers are usually very diverse. When you excitedly talk about an area of PR you’re interested in, have you ever wondered not only how you’re going to get there, but how you’re going to be a good PR practitioner in that field? While it’s important to think about how you’re going to get those things, maybe you should start with branding yourself.

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TriSight Partners with USC School of Cinematic Arts to Publicize “Tomorrow”

By: Fred Lee

In Spring 2014, TriSight Communications worked with filmmakers from the USC School of Cinematic Arts on their short film TomorrowTomorrow tells the story of two best friends in high school, Trevor (Zachary Roozen) and Clark (Daniel Rashid), growing up and having to face their feelings for each other at a New Year’s Eve party. Directed by Leandro Tadashi and written by Josh Johnson, the film is astonishing in its honesty and authenticity.

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Try It Before You Buy It

By: Ran Xu


Often times, we hear people say “oh my god, I love fashion PR, I must do that” or “I hate doing sports PR, no-no.” The simple truth is that you will never know what you really like unless you experience it yourself. That’s why we need internships to help us figure out the discrepancy between our imagination and actual real-world scenarios. Even more importantly, we need them to decide whether we are comfortable with the workplace culture, environment, responsibilities and many other elements that are all far beyond the fancy charade of working in public relations.Ran Continue reading

9 Tips for Making the Most Out of Being an SPR Student

By: Claire Eastburn

Whether or not your undergrad degree was in PR and regardless of if you’ve had relevant internships or job experience before, starting out your first semester in the SPR program unquestionably brings a list of stressors. What to expect, what classes to take, what kind of internship to look for—the list of “what” is endless.

As a way to help you out as you start grad school at Annenberg, TriSight Communications has come up with a list of 10 tips to start your semester off right.IMG_0865

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Beyond the Pomp and Circumstance

By: Justine Saquilayan


You don’t usually think about what happens after the caps are tossed to the sky and the camera-wielding commencement crowds are dispersed. My naiveté once led me to believe that time came to a standstill after the last course final, a preconception that was swiftly crushed this summer as I explored the ins-and-outs of working as a Communications Specialist in the world of academia.

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