Why Every PR Student Should Blog



Written by Melissa Ariganello

Public relations now extends itself beyond the traditional means of communicating. Now you have to consider social media and blogging. Many companies today either have a blog on their website or have writers publish content related to their company on well-known blogs. Either way, as a PR student and young professional, you should get into the habit of blogging.

Here’s why every PR student should blog:

It Improves Your Writing

In PR, you are going to be writing a lot. The good news is blogging serves as an excellent platform to practice and strengthen your writing skills. Whether you have a blog or contribute to blog, I recommend publishing a post once a week. Blogging is kind of like riding a bicycle, once you start, you’ll eventually get the hang of it, and draft posts easily and efficiently.

Gets Your Name Out There

Blogging also helps you build your personal brand. Writing and publishing content under your name will help you get noticed. Your peers and potential employers will see the content you develop. This will serve as good use for when you are out there networking or job hunting! You can start small by writing on your personal blog, but I encourage you to branch out and contribute to others blogs, such as this one – the TriSight blog! Eventually you may find yourself blogging for The Huffington Post! (One of my blogging friends has done it, so it’s definitely possible!)

It Builds Your Portfolio

Whether you’re looking for an internship in between semesters or are looking for a full time job after graduating, you’ll likely need to show off your work. Having blog posts in your portfolio will show your potential employer that you can write – an important skill in PR.

Now that you know the benefits to blogging, it’s time to get to work! Want to blog for TriSight? Email ariganel@usc.edu for details

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