Five Pieces of Advice for Your Next Internship

Internship Advice


Now that Spring Break is in the rear-view mirror, it feels like the end of the semester is quickly barreling toward us. While the chief concern for most students is preparing for finals as they start to cast their ominous shadow, many are also beginning to apply for those summer internships. Now, perhaps you already have several of these under your belt. Regardless of your experience, here are five things to keep in mind during your next internship that are you sure to help you be successful.


1. Stay hungry

What we mean by this is to always want more to do. As an intern it can be tempting to settle for the small amounts of work that you inevitably start off with. After all, who wouldn’t prefer to just do the minimum and deal with as little stress as possible? This mentality, however, will put you on the fast track to nowhere. Internships are often designed to test the skills and attitudes of a young professional. Needless to say, there are few employers out there who would be impressed with or willing to keep an intern who isn’t motivated and doesn’t seek more work on their own. Adopting a go-getter mentality is one of the first things you should do in your new internship, and it’s one that will definitely net some positive attention.

2. Ask the right questions

Just like it’s important to always be on the lookout for more to do, it’s equally important to ask the right questions before and during every assignment. Of course you shouldn’t aim to incessantly bother you supervisor, but a good leader is usually happy to be approached with intelligent questions. Asking good questions will show your employer that you’re thinking critically about your assignment and aren’t just sleepwalking through the work. A good question will not only help you create better work, it will also signal to your employer that you’re a smart and strategic thinker. To avoid looking like a novice and making unintelligent queries, a good rule to follow is to always Google your questions before asking them. If the answer can be easily found there, then you can bet it’s not a good question to ask your boss. If no trace of an answer can be found, then odds are you’ve stumbled across a great question.

3. Make yourself known

As an intern, it can be easy to go unnoticed in a busy workplace. While the prevailing mentality is that interns are the unseen and unheard backbone of the office, it doesn’t and shouldn’t have to be this way. To avoid getting lost in the shuffle, try to make yourself well known with everybody in the office. Of course people are busy and it might be hard to get a few minutes on their calendar, but even the busiest of people have time for a quick cup of coffee. Use these small moments to connect with your coworkers. Not only is it good to expand your own personal network, but by connecting with everyone and making them aware of the caliber of your work, they will be far more likely to think of you when looking for support on their next project.

4. Bring something to the table

Because interns, in terms of office hierarchy, are the lowest position in the structure, many of them believe that it’s not their place to speak up in meetings or brainstorming sessions. While it’s true that you have to be sensitive to the situation and cognizant of office culture, it’s important that you speak your opinions and bring valuable insights to the table. An intern who never contributes intelligent pieces of information or well-founded opinions diminishes their own personal reputation. Like we said before; many internships are developed for the purpose of finding full-time team members. Employers want people who not only think intelligently, but who can bring that to the table to advance the overall value of the organization. Of course, none of this can ever happen if you don’t say what’s on your mind.

5. Be true to yourself

As much as internships are an opportunity for employers to find the best talent for their companies, the greater opportunity belongs to the intern. Not only is this your chance to discover more about who you are what type of work you want to be doing, it’s also a great way to weed out what you don’t like. If your internship makes you unhappy, at least it’s temporary. If you hate the industry you’re in, it’s one step closer to finding the industry you belong in. Don’t settle for the type of work that you are doing if it doesn’t make challenge you or get you excited once in a while. This is a process of discovery, and being true to yourself will allow you to make the right choices and eventually find work you can be passionate about.

Five Tips for Telling Your Brand’s Story

Five Tips for Telling Your Brand's Story


All too often in the world of PR and communications, we get so consumed by the idea of putting out the right message, that we forget that the story itself is just as important as the actual points we’re trying to make. After all, brand loyalty is largely earned through an interesting, relatable and entertaining narrative. Despite all the technology that is constantly coming to market and the bevy of platforms available to us, humans will always be story driven. The art of storytelling is a part of our collective human history and as long as humans are around, this will always remain important. With that in mind, here are five tips to keep in mind when telling your brand’s story:

Be Relatable

There’s nothing worse than reading a story that fails to connect with you. When this happens, the “story” becomes just an assortment of words and the capacity for a message to be successfully transmitted flies out the window. Think about it, you’ve most likely never read something to completion that didn’t have at least one thing you could relate to. Even in academic writing, if at some point nothing sparks your interest, your ability to absorb any knowledge from the text becomes diminished. It’s why this type of literature relies so heavily on anecdote. They are simply trying to make that crucial connection with you. So for this reason, you should always strive to make your story relatable. Appeal to those moments that are culturally universal, to themes that everyone can understand, and to conversational tones that you all share. All it takes are a few small moments of connection with your reader to make sure that they remain engaged.

Be Dramatic

And this is meant in the most technical way possible. Before setting out to tell your story, spend some time learning about the themes, patterns and archetypes that have made for great stories. Although there are thousands of tales out there, they tend to follow arcs that have worked for other writers in the past. The most famous of these is the hero’s journey, which was the topic of Joseph Campbell’s book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces.” In his book, Campbell explains that throughout mythology heroes have always embarked on the same trajectory. At its most basic, this involves the call to action, facing some sort of struggle, becoming lost on the way back home, and finally finding atonement. Although you probably won’t be tasked with creating an epic when writing for a brand, you can definitely use some of these widely accepted storytelling devices to make a better narrative.

Mind your Platform

Although storytelling will always be important, the constant emergence of new platforms means that brand writers will need to develop tactics for each one. The way you engage with audiences on Facebook, for example, is totally different than the way you would do so on Snapchat or Instagram. What this means is that in order to tell your story in the most engaging way possible, you need to understand your vehicle, including the details of how it operates and the demographic makeup of the people who use it most. Knowing all of this will make it easier to target your message and it will allow you to modify your stories to best fit that medium.

Make it Personal

If you think that this is the same as being relatable, you’re almost right, but there are a few distinctions. Being relatable means that you capture moments that are culturally relevant, meaning that even though the reader may have never lived through that moment, it’s still engrained into his/her psyche by virtue of where and when they are living. When you’re making your story personal, however, you are appealing to actual shared experiences. When you have a conversation with old friends, for example, part of what you’re doing is recollecting moments that you were both in. When you laugh at inside joke, you are able to do so because you were able to experience that moment and can draw on the memory of it. This is what making it personal means. Making it personal means incorporating the little details of a time and a place that bring you closer to your reader and allow you to connect on a deeper level.

Be the Hero of Your Story

Once you are able to bring dramatic elements into your story, to establish tension, climax and resolution, make sure to position yourself as the hero of your story. After all, no one wants to buy from a brand that they consider to be evil. No matter what your brand is, the products you make, or the reputation that you’ve had in the past, always work to position yourself as the protagonist. Create a problem early on, and make sure that by the end of the story you become the solution. That way, once it’s all said and done, you come out looking like the good guy.

Spring ’16 Welcome Message

A Welcome Message !


Hello everyone and welcome back to another semester at USC! We are very excited to begin another term with all of our wonderful members. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be welcoming new TriSighters and starting our account work. We thought that a good way to kick off the semester would be to introduce our client roster. We’re beginning the term with five accounts, all of which are varied in kind and in what they require from our wonderful teams. Now, let’s get to know our clients!



Dream Team Directors: The “Dream Team Directors” are Bayou Bennett and Daniel Lir, an award-winning husband and wife writer/director team. They create original content, commercials and documentaries for the highest profile and most influential companies and celebrities in the industry including Adidas, MTV, Coldplay, P. Diddy, Paris Hilton, Oscar De La Renta, Carolina Herrera and have helped discover stars such as Lea Michele of Fox’s               “Glee.” Students working on this account will have the opportunity to explore branding with work including awareness campaigns, press kits and social media strategies.

Los Angeles Sustainability Collective

Los Angeles Sustainability Collaborative (LASC): Founded in 2009, LASC is a non-profit organization that aims to advance sustainability by facilitating research, informing stakeholders, and providing solutions to emerging environmental challenges. TriSight is excited to announce a new partnership with LASC, where account members will have the opportunity to work in branding. There will also be many chances for members to work on awareness campaigns, events and social media strategy.


Annenberg Digital Lounge: The Digital Lounge is a burgeoning space of creativity and technology on the third floor of the new Annenberg building. Account members will have the opportunity to advance Annenberg’s digital literacy initiative by creating social media and marketing campaigns to grow awareness of the tools and technology assistance found in the Digital Lounge.


Human Autonomy Teaming Solutions (H.A.T.S.): This is an opportunity to explore the field of tech PR, where you can work alongside the experts that are taking the tech industry to the next level. HATS’ expertise is in designing and developing automation and software for complex systems in a number of domains, including aviation and healthcare. Their signature product is the Human Automation Teaming Testbed developed for NASA as a research tool to enable the integration of drones into the national airspace system.  Students will be creating information kits and building social media strategies for this client.


USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA): SCA is one the nation’s leading film schools. A great many spectacular cinematic talents have graduated from this school and it is renowned for the quality of work it produces. Students who work on this account help to promote films made in the graduate studies program to prospective students, alums, festival programmers, and trade media. Over the course of the semester, TriSight members create press materials, pitch media, and reach out to the community on behalf of these spectacular student films.


We can’t wait to start working with you all and are excited to see what lies ahead for TriSight!


– Irene Bischofberger and Amy Li

Co-Presidents of TriSight Communications

Working From Home

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 11.38.16 AMWritten by Laura Davenport

When we think of a “real” job, we think of waking up early. We think of sitting in traffic only to end up sitting at a desk for eight hours, then sitting in more traffic before arriving home. That’s the workday.

The reality is that now, in the digital age, traditional workdays are changing.

My 9-5 is a little different, for example. I get up, eat breakfast, and sit down at my desk in my apartment. I work from home. I have a job that I love, and I’m lucky that today’s many communications technologies allow me to accomplish my tasks all from the comfort of my own home.

But as nice as it is to sometimes spend an entire day in your pajamas—tatty gray sweatpants and a Journey concert tee, in my case—working from home can be very difficult.

I’ve been at this for six months, so I thought I would address the three biggest questions I hear for at-home professionals.

How Much Alone Time is Too Much Alone Time?

In most cases, working from home means you’re alone ALL THE TIME. Sometimes, if I speak in a class that comes after a long workday, my voice will come out all squeaky because it’s the first time I’ve used it all day.

I don’t happen to mind being alone during the day. If you do, though, and you’re about to start working from home, I have good news for you: Almost 100% of the time, “working from home” means “working where there is free Wi-Fi”.

I often work my longest days in a café or coffee shop in downtown LA. That way, though I am hard at work, there are other humans around so I don’t become a recluse. Lots of places in LA and in other cities are very work-friendly. Just make sure you go prepared to buy coffee and ice tea for as long as you’re there. Those are your cheapest options.

But Laura, Netflix is at Home. How Do You Get Anything Done?

This is a great question. Distractions are at Home, it’s true. At home, you have access to not only Netflix (and your TV), but books, magazines, your bed, and many other things that are way more appealing than the work you have to do.

My solutions? Podcasts, for one. Books-on-tape. For me, audio-only options are a great middle ground between engaging content and background noise.

Otherwise, if I have intense written work that needs doing or if I’m looking at any huge spreadsheets, I’ll switch over to any number of excellent study playlists. My favorites are usually comprised of film scores. For some reason, all of John Williams’ work makes me feel like filling in a spreadsheet is as important bringing down Imperial walkers on an ice planet.

Another big distraction for me is laundry. And dishes. And vacuuming. I’ve started using these tasks as my work breaks; my apartment is the cleanest when I have the most to do.

While some people use productivity timers, I take advantage of the gentle wash cycle. This allows me to have periods of high productivity: an hour or so in which I can get a ton of work done, before taking a break to fold laundry or unload the dishes.

Don’t You Feel Out of Touch With Your Company?

Not in the slightest! While working from home does deny you some social exposure, email and group task management software make it incredibly easy to stay connected.

It’s up to you and your supervisor how you should stay in touch. I, for instance, talk to my boss three or four times a day. He and I meet in person once a week, but other than that, we communicate via email.

It’s important to set metrics for reporting as well. Though defined work hours may occasionally blur around the edges, defined results have to be maintained. For example, on Mondays I usually make a detailed list of the week’s projects to send to my boss. I send work as it’s completed throughout the week, and on Friday I send another email detailing which of the original projects were finished and which are still in progress.

Upon learning I work from home, people ask: “Don’t you go crazy?” The answer is simply “Nope!” Sure, sometimes I need to remind myself to go outside, and sometimes it’s a challenge to forsake my sweatpants for real clothes. There are certainly challenges.

But to me, the flexibility of my schedule and the convenience of my job are much more significant than the challenges. Working from home demands a great deal of self-discipline, leading you to become very comfortable on your own.

Plus, I’m pretty sure not sitting in LA traffic anymore has added years to my life previously lost to rush hour. I don’t know how I will ever go back to a regular job!



The Proof is in the Reading


 There’s a time and a place for everything, the old idiom reads.

Well, that time should be always, and that place should be everywhere.

I’m talking about grammar and its nauseating misuse among our generation.

Now, I’ll admit I’m a bit of a grammar policeman. Proofreading is legitimately one of my favorite PR-related tasks. One might even say I have a flair for the … grammatic. (Sorry, I’ll stop with the terrible puns.)

Regardless of your passion level for accurate grammar, however, you must understand its importance, especially in the PR/marketing/communication industry.

I’m not going to use this space to walk through correct punctuation or discuss my opinions on controversial usage like the Oxford comma (which I vehemently oppose). You’re all bright students who have constructed enough sentences correctly to perform at the college level.

Instead, I want to emphasize the significance of proofreading and hopefully inspire you to re-read your next written assignment just one more time.

Here are some reasons to #checkyourgrammar:

Credibility: Probably the most consequential reason to #checkyourgrammar is to establish trust between you and your audience. In many of your PR classes, you’ll hear professors preach about recognizing a brand’s audiences and prioritizing stakeholders. What’s great about sharp grammar is that it’s effective for any and all audiences. Sure, slang will prove to be useful on social media to attract the younger generation, but even then, conscious grammar decisions go a long way in supporting a brand’s communication efforts.

Resume building: Wondering why you’re not receiving calls from potential employers after submitting an application? Take a harder look at your resume. Multiple HR directors have told me that grammar mistakes are just about the easiest way to have your resume end up in the trash. If you can’t find the time to polish one of the most valuable documents in your life, how can an organization expect you to professionally organize your thoughts on behalf of their brand?

Satisfaction: Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it feel fantastic when you turn in an assignment and have no qualms about getting dinged for sloppy work? Conversely, I loathe that feeling of knowing I made sound arguments, but nothing in life matters anymore because I left a dangling modifier in the second paragraph.

The knowledge is there: It’s not as if this is a skill set you don’t already have. You already understand the difference between a dependent and independent clause. You know when to use lay and when to use lie. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t take advantage of your understanding of the language.

You can’t rely solely on spell check: I hate to break it to you, but Microsoft Word’s spell check function doesn’t catch it all. Spell check is the Google Maps of grammar fixers. It’ll get you close to where you want to go, but sometimes it’ll leave you hanging around the corner from your destination. Before you hit submit, you need to give it one final read. Put yourself in the shoes of a word like affect. Affect is a verb (except for its psychology-based definition), an emotional one at that, and people hurt its feelings when they use it as a noun. You wouldn’t want to be called Jack if your name was Jake, would you? Think about that the next time you don’t think you need to proofread.

If not for yourself, then proofread for the sake of the beautiful English language!







Data-driven storytelling and resources you can use



Written by Lukia Yuanshu Xu

Storytelling has always been a center of PR and marketing, in fact, it is sometimes more important to a business than the product or service. A well-crafted and visually appealing story could help your business catch the attention of customers, but to further convince your audience, you will need to build some credibility with data.

Being a data-driven storyteller is not just for content marketers, but for nearly everyone who needs to present to clients, superiors and even just in class. The numbers always speak for themselves.

To be a data-driven storyteller you don’t need a degree in statistics or be a maven in data analytics, as someone whose job is to tell the story, you just need to know how to interpret and present the data in a right way. So here are some tips of becoming a savvy data-driven storyteller and some resources you can use, mostly free.

  1. Think about your audience.

Like all marketing/PR campaigns, you always want to keep audience on the top of your mind. Make sure you know what their “pain points” are and how your products/services could speak to their needs. Your goal at this stage is to come up with a question that your story will address. If your question has a quantifiable dimension, it is more likely to make up for a good data-driven story.

  1. Find the right data.

By “right data” I’m not just talking about the data that make your story compelling, but the data that are credible and solid enough to convince your toughest client. That means you need to be careful about the sources of data, Wikipedia is not allowed as data source in thesis for a reason.

If you want credible data, here is a list of some common sources:

  • Public data sites: government databases, state agency databases, WTO/IMF databases etc.
  • Research institutes: Pew Research Center, Forrester Research etc.
  • Reports from large consulting firms: McKinsey, BCG, PwC, KPMG etc.
  • Publications: Academic journals etc.
  1. Present your data.

If good data make up 40% of a successful story, then visualization is 60%. Human beings are visual animals, especially in this world full of distractions, people will only pay attention to the catchy ones.

Using infographics is a good way to convey your message. The longer layout allows one to actually tell a story from the beginning to the end, keeping your audience on hook before getting bored of all the numbers.

Some tools to generate infographics are: Adobe Illustrator, Powerpoint/Keynote, and online websites like If you like design or holds very high standard to your work, Illustrator would work to your best interest, it just takes more time to learn. If you don’t mind using other people’s design, online websites would be your go-to place. Personally I like Powerpoint, because it’s just so easy to use and also allows great room for creativity. A lot of designers actually use Powerpoint frequently. You can get Illustrator for free if you are from Annenberg, and most of the templates on are free while some do cost a bit money.

An interesting way to present the data would be interactive, this works well for audiences who like to explore a bit, and honestly who wouldn’t like to play a little game? A software to help you realize this would be Tableau. I call it a “fancy Excel” because all you need to do is put your data in and choose a chart/graph. It works well even on large quantity of data, like thousands of tuples. And you can get a free student version on their website, otherwise it’s very expensive for entreprises.

With your USC account, you can take the courses on for free to learn these tools.

  1. Seek feedback before launch.

This sounds like cliche but a lot people will forget when they actually start working. You get excited about your beautiful masterpiece and you can’t wait to show it off to everyone. But before you do anything, be aware that you are too small a sample and your opinion is highly biased. Ask someone else for their thoughts, especially those similar to your audience, have a keen eye for design or have done this before, they might tell you this color should be lighter, that portions on the pie chart don’t match with the numbers, or it’s just not that interesting to catch attention. They will save you a lot of trouble and frustration.


How to Be a Successful Intern


There is clearly no doubt that internships are valuable and will, most likely, land you a job. Being an intern can be stressful and making an impression is not always easy but here is a list of things you should keep in mind while interning. If your internship does not lead to a job, it is always useful to leave with great recommendations, referrals and connections that you may need in the future.

  • Be punctual.

It may seem silly but being late, especially on your first day, leaves a terrible impression from the start. Being early is a sign of respect and it just shows you are ready to work and be productive. So set that alarm and keep in mind it’s always better to be early than late!

  • Complete your tasks and ask for more

It’s important to complete your assigned tasks in a timely manner. To be safe, always make sure to ask for a deadline so you can plan accordingly. Once you are done, don’t sit at your desk doing nothing or checking out your phone. Instead reach out to your co-workers/managers and let me know you are free to work on a new project.

  • Ask questions

If you don’t know, well … you don’t know. There is nothing worse than pretending that you know and not asking. It may get you stuck in your work or even fail. Instead, you should feel free to ask questions. Not only does it show that you want to do the right thing but it also emphasizes your interest and it just prevents making mistakes. Your manager will most likely love helping you out and giving you advice. You will feel less stressed and in the meantime, you get to learn even more!

  • Be organized

In the world of communication, multi-tasking is a big thing and it can quickly feel overwhelming. Being organized should be your top priority to stay on track. Feel free to have a planner or a calendar that helps you identify your daily and weekly projects. Don’t forget to set deadlines! This way, you know what to focus on. Don’t waste time on a task that is due in two weeks if you have something due by tomorrow morning.

  • Have a positive attitude

Of course companies are looking for brilliant, smart interns but your attitude has a lot to do with how your co-workers and managers perceive you. If you bring a positive attitude to the office and your willingness to help and alleviate some of your coworkers’ work, they will most likely be grateful. If you bring a negative attitude by being overly critical and demanding, you may leave a bad impression and that’s not what you are looking for.

  • Leave on a good note

Your very last week as an intern, it is wise to let everyone know you are leaving soon and you are ready to take on any last project they may need you to work on. The more valuable and available you make yourself, the harder it will be for them to see you go. On your very last day you should be ready to thank everyone for the opportunity you’ve had and give them positive feedback on your experience.

  • Post-Internship

Keep in touch with your co-workers and managers. You never know if you might need their help or referrals in the future. Feel free to ask them for a LinkedIn recommendation. If you have done a good job, they will be more than happy to do it for you.

  • If your internship was not what you expected…

If your internship was not what you expected, try to be positive about it and learn from it. It is always disappointing but … hey, it’s just one internship! The next one will be better. Be careful not to publicly criticize the company or your coworkers, even if you had that awful, micromanaging boss that no one likes. It’s a small world we live in and you certainly don’t want the wrong person to hear your negative comments. You should be careful whom you give negative feedback to.

Summer Adventures Abroad: Interning in Hong Kong


This past summer, I took advantage of Annenberg’s International Program and interned at Edelman’s Hong Kong office. Having never traveled to Asia before, I was immensely excited (and nervous) for the opportunity.

As a leading firm in the industry, Edelman had always been high on my list of places to apply for work experience. Better yet, the program offered the unique chance to learn and operate in a culture completely foreign to me. I wondered if Twitter would be as ubiquitous or if Kimmy K’s name would have any sway on product promotion.

Upon arriving in Hong Kong, I was astounded by the harbor’s skyline and the deliciousness of the street-served barbecue pork. I had never seen a city that is such a blend of modernity and custom – where western influences are very obvious in building structures, but traditional Chinese culture continues to flow through the streets.

I was assigned to Edelman’s Digital Practice Team. My day-to-day tasks included scanning the web to find and create relevant written and multimedia content for client’s social media pages; writing and reviewing content calendars and compiling reports detailing engagement on client’s Facebook pages.

One of the most exciting and educational projects I worked on was for Tencent. If – like me – you haven’t heard of Tencent, it is a significantly large holding company in China that owns social media platforms Weibo, WeChat and one of the largest web portals in China. Due to its prominent position in China and its continuous innovation, it is currently one of the largest Internet companies in the world and definitely a force to be reckoned with. The Technology, Digital Practice and Studio X teams were preparing SY Lau – President of Tencent’s Online Media Group – for his acceptance speech at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Knowing very little about the company, I heavily researched everything online and in Edelman’s archives to attempt to draft press releases for the event. After displaying interest in video editing, the Studio X Team started to give me more responsibility in creating basic edits of internationally influential figures congratulating SY Lau. My edits were sent to the client and they selected the parts they wanted the Studio X Team to use in the promotional video that would play during the acceptance speech. It was such an honor to be part of the creative process – and though I can’t take any credit for the incredible final video they produced, it was an invaluable learning experience.

Another project that I really enjoyed and benefited from was the creation of a social media playbook for a Chinese technology company. By creating a set of guidelines, I gave recommendations to how they should conduct themselves on social media. I researched and scored all of their international social media pages and concluded that the main problem was inconsistency in content. I suggested a brand voice, tone and the language that should be implemented universally and created four content pillars for them to base their posts around. I also advised that images and videos should cohere with the same set of rules so that their audience could navigate seamlessly across all pages.

The experience taught me so much and far exceeded my expectations – both in terms of career development and cultural understanding. To anyone who is considering the program – I would absolutely recommend it. However, words can only say so much, so, in true digital fashion, I will finish off with a video I made compiling my Hong Kong memories (apologies for the unsteady camera holding!).





Public Relations for Non-Profit Organizations


Public Relations is a tough industry, there is no question about it, but imagine trying to meet expectations and accomplish basic communication goals with no budget, limited resources and minimum staff. Unfortunately, this is the reality for public relations practitioners in the nonprofit sector.

Although extremely challenging, working in the nonprofit sector is also extremely rewarding and there are many ways of utilizing resources to the best of your ability to make do with what you have. The biggest advantage in the nonprofit sector is your audience. They are more than consumers, they are supporters who believe in your cause and public relations is a core component of a nonprofit’s ability to communicate with their supporters.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Expand Your Reach: There are a lot nonprofits out there vying for support. Public Relations plays a major role in helping these organizations not only continue communication with their current supporters, but finding ways of growing those supporter networks. Without supporters, funds can’t be raised, volunteers can’t be recruited and missions can’t be completed.
  2. Increase Funding: Fundraising campaigns can be a dime a dozen. A good Public Relations campaign can be the difference between $20 and $2,000 raised. An innovative “ask” will help your organization stand out in the crowd. Donors need to feel confident that their gifts are truly making a difference in their community. Get creative!
  3. Develop a Community: Create a community around your cause. Social media is a great tool and it’s free! Communities created through Facebook are loyal and help your organization achieve long term support. Don’t forget Twitter and the power of the hashtag! Start a rally around a hashtag that ties into your campaign and don’t be afraid to engage with your followers. A retweet or share can be just as valuable as a donation.
  4. Inspire Partnerships: Generating support and extending your reach can be a great way to develop partnerships with organizations with a similar mission. It’s important to keep in mind that you audience spans beyond donors and volunteers. Building lasting partnerships is the best way to collaborate so your message is heard by as many potential supporters as possible.
  5. Make A Difference: Creating opportunities for nonprofits through Public Relations is an amazing way to use your education and experience to give back and make an impact in your community. It becomes more than a job. Take your passions and develop a career that will allow you to truly make a difference in the world.

Whether you are looking for a career in the nonprofit sector or are looking for opportunities to volunteer your time, find a cause that is near and dear to your heart and get involved. It will be challenging, but nothing a Trojan can’t handle!